Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 4 Friday September 30, 2011 06:32 GMT

Everyone seems to be falling into a rhythm now that we have done 10 stations.
Only 114 more stations to go!

People are pitching in from Survey (crew who deploy and bring up the rosette) to CTD watch (control how far the package goes down, and where to stop for water samples) and everywhere in between to give a hand to some of the samplers who don't have alternates and therefore don't have time to really sleep.

There is still a bit of queasiness found in some of the first timers (like me), but it seems to be fading fast and in no time we will all have our sea legs.

There have been some problems popping up, like an issue with the winch holding steady, but there is usually a plan quickly put in place and no need to worry much.

Thanks for reading!
- Elizabeth
- CTD/LADCP watch stander and occasional sampler

And if you want to follow our track our current position is:
29 44.99S  and   10 19.20E

Below are a few pictures of sample collection and another picture of the rosette just before it is put in the water.


  1. I so miss the Brown and all the guys...George, Jonathan, Bruce etc...have a fun time!

  2. Ooo Carm forgot her gloves... :p
